Garden Insect Control Methods

Our gardens, Our joy

Garden hibiscus-garden-insect-control-methods
White flowering Hibiscus

Gardens add that flavour and bring that unique touch to our homes and office buildings. Besides the many benefits that a garden offers one of the main features of a garden is that it can increase the value of any property as long as it is maintained in the proper way.

One of the things that many homeowners and business establishment faced over the years is the challenge of having (uninvited guest) insects invade their gardens and landscapes.

The key to maintaining a garden that is beautiful when it comes to insects invasion is knowledge and by putting this knowledge to use can keep our gardens in the best shape ever.

Methods of Control

There are many methods of control that have been used and have proven to bring good results. These methods involve.

A. Proper Cultural Practice.

B. Biological Control.

C. Mechanical  Control.

D. Chemical Control.

Each of these methods is different therefore the rate at which each insect population is eliminated depends on these methods.

Good Bugs

Word of caution here: There are also bugs that are known as the good bugs or beneficial insects that serves our gardens well by killing off the bad bugs so be very careful in your approach when using these methods because the gold is to eliminate the bad bugs and not the good ones. To learn more about some of these insects click on the link. Good Bugs/Bad Bugs.

Proper Cultural Practice

Garden chewing insects -leafhoppers-garden-insect-control-methods

Proper cultural practice-involves the proper placement of plants within the landscapes and gardens. Plants have different requirements such as soil, water, and sunlight.

By having a knowledge of what your garden plants need and meeting those needs will ensure that your garden and landscape will be beautiful at all times.

Also, keep your garden well organize and clean to eliminate habitation of these unvitiated guest.

Biological Control

Biological Control is also a safe method. This method involves the use of the good guys that we mentioned earlier to eliminate the bad bugs. Even though this method may be a safe approach it is also slow, therefore the extent to which you use this method

depends on how server the attack is. If a quarter or more of your garden and landscapes is attacked then chemical control is needed which we will discuss a bit later.

Biological control that involves the use of insects can be purchased from garden centres and nurseries and released into your garden. The key is identifying these beneficial and use them to your advantage. For more on Good bugs/bad bugs click on the link.

Mechanical Control

Mechanical control involves the use of using tools such as pruners, shears and other equipment that is used in the garden area. This method is simple, it is just a matter of removing the infected part of the plant and disposing of it.

Make sure at all times that your pruners, shears, saws, and garden knives are sharp to give that clean cut so plant wounds can heal faster.

Chemical Control

Chemical control is last on the list because this should be the last method you resort to because chemicals are poison they not only destroy the good bugs but leach and drift off

can get into the air or poison our drinking water that can be harmful to humans and animals.

When using chemicals, us the least toxic first and then move on to a more stronger brand if the least toxic proves not to be effective.

Remember, always start with the least toxic first. Organic insect control is also used for safety so try these first. Read the label and follow as directed because the label is the law.

The final word

There is more that can be said on this topic but by understanding the basics of plants, insects and their control methods can go a long way in not only having much garden success but also your safety and the safety of the environment.

About the author

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Norman loves being in the garden, both at home and for his job....
he is 'Natures Little helper' being outdoors, growing his vegetables and flowers from an early age.
Now having spent over 22 years in the profession he want to give some of his knowledge to others...
his vast array of hints and tips you will find scattered over this site will help you no end growing plants in your garden.