Honeydew Melon Health Benefits

Promoting Your Health with Honeydew Melon

Honeydew melon-Health benefits of honeydew melon
Honeydew Melon

Honeydew melon is a very delicious fruit. This fruit is not only sweet but the benefits are so great that they are worth being a part of our diet. I have eaten these melons over the years and have enjoyed their wonderful taste besides the health benefits they provide.

Honeydew melons have also made it on the list of superfoods and therefore I think it is worth taking a closer look at the vitamin content and the benefits these fruits contain. Honeydew melons can be eaten by themselves or added to fruit salads for a healthy snack.

History of honeydew melon

Honeydew melon belongs to the melon family and originates from Africa, has been grown for many years in Algeria and southern France. But honeydew melons have also been dated back as far as the ancient Egyptians to the year 24oo BC and also have a history of being cultivated by the ancient Romans, this fruit has been around for some time and has been enjoyed by the ancients.

There are many varieties of honeydew melons from saturon, millennium, honey star to honey gold. The inside of the flesh is green or very light orange. The skin of the honeydew can be bright yellow, green, or creamy yellow.

Honeydew melon fun facts

  • The sweetness of the honeydew melon acts as an energy booster
  • Honeydew melons can be dried and roasted as a healthy snack
  • Honeydew melons are a part of the Cucurbitaceae family (gourd) which is divided into fruits (melons) and vegetables (pumpkins, cucumbers, and squash).
  • The sweetness of honeydew melons comes from their natural sugar content
  • In ancient times the Egyptians regarded honeydew melon as sacred and were reserved for the elite
  • The average honeydew melon weights about 6 pounds
  • Honeydew melons that are fully mature will continue to ripen for several days after they are picked and stored at room temperature
  • Honeydew melon seeds can be roasted and eaten

Vitamins of honeydew melons

Besides tasting great honeydew melon vitamin content are as followed

Vitamin A, B Vitamins, Vitamin C, Copper, Potassium, Trace Minerals, Niacin, Thiamine, Pantothenic Acid, Iron, Zinc, Manganese, and Fiber

Honeydew Melon Health Benefits

Honeydew melons are considered to be a natural healer and provide other benefits which include

1. Acting as an energy booster.

2. Help to control weight.

3. Help to promote a good bowel movement.

Honeydew melon fruit-Health benefits of honeydew melon
Honeydew Melon

4. It improves the immune system.

5. It can keep you hydrated.

6. Improves the skin.

7. Promotes vision.

8. Honeydew melon can help to relieve hypertension.

9. Improves digestion.

10. Strengthens teeth and bones.

11. Help to lower blood pressure.

12. Honeydew melon promotes kidney health.

13. It improves hair growth.

The final word

Honeydew melons are superfoods that are great for promoting health. These fruits have such a rich history. Making honeydew melons a part of your diet will work wonders for your health as you enjoy this superfood that is loved worldwide

About the author

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Norman loves being in the garden, both at home and for his job....
he is 'Natures Little helper' being outdoors, growing his vegetables and flowers from an early age.
Now having spent over 22 years in the profession he want to give some of his knowledge to others...
his vast array of hints and tips you will find scattered over this site will help you no end growing plants in your garden.