How To Attract Beneficial Insects To Control Garden Pest

Make Your Garden a Home for Beneficial Insects

how-to-attract-beneficial-insects-to-control-garden-pest- Ladybug feeding on mealybugs

This photo shows a picture of a ladybug that is a beneficial insect feeding on mealybugs that feed on garden plants.

It is a true garden fact for those of us who spend time in the great outdoors as we connect with nature,  we face the challenge of having to wage war on those garden pests known as the bad bugs.

I have faced these garden pests many times before, there is nothing like having a garden that is growing so beautiful and then it almost knocks you off your feet to see there is some uninvited guest that has moved in and is making a feast of your garden plants.

Because of these garden pests, many methods of controlling these bad bugs have been applied to bring relief to the home and business owners.

In this article, we will be looking at how to attract beneficial insects to control garden pests.

Insect Population

The insect population is so vast that it outnumbers us by far, not to however because there isn’t going to be an insect invasion and if there was one we would have the upper hand.

There are billions and billions of insects upon planet earth, in fact, I was told by one of my mentors many years ago that for every human there are about one million insects now that is a lot of insects. Also every year the agriculture industry losses millions of dollars worth of crops because of these garden pests.

Bad Bugs

how-to-attract-beneficial-insects-to-control-garden-pest-mealybug bad bugs

This photo shows mealybugs, mealybugs are a garden pest that destroys our plants

The bad bugs are insects that destroy our beautiful garden plants turning our once beautiful gardens into a graveyard.

Good Bugs

Good bugs are also known as beneficial insects. These bugs patrol and protects our garden plants, these bugs are like the police of our gardens killing and feeding on the bad bugs ensuring our plant’s safety.

Working with the good guys

Connecting and working with beneficial insects to bring about garden success is not hard at all. All it takes is knowing how and the war will go in your favor.

How to attract beneficial insects to control garden pest

Biological Control

Using beneficial insects in our gardens to control garden pests is called biological control.

Tips for working hand in hand with beneficial insects

1. Choose plants that will attract beneficial insects. In the section below we will be looking at a list of plants that attract these insects. Install these plants among your garden plants to encourage or attract beneficial insects.

2. Even though for many, chemicals may be the first option, the truth of the matter is chemicals can cause more harm than good because chemicals will not only eliminate the bad bugs but the good bugs also.

If you must use chemicals only use those that target specific pests. Broad-spectrum pesticide, in this case, is not a good choice because once beneficial insects come in contact with these insecticides they will be eliminated. That’s why these sprays are called broad-spectrum because they take care of a whole range of insects.

how-to-attract-beneficial-insects-to-control-garden-pest-parasitic wasp feeding on caterpillar
Parasitic Wasp

This photo shows a parasitic wasp that is a beneficial insect laying its eggs inside the body of a caterpillar that destroys garden plants.

3. Plant a variety of plants in your garden, they should also be of different heights. This makes your garden more inviting to our insect friends.

4. Providing a water source will not only attract beneficial insects but will also keep them in your garden. In a medium-size plastic, bowl add water and fill almost to the top. Place a rock in the bowl of water, the rock should be large enough so that the top part of the rock is above water. This also provides a resting place for beneficial insects.

5. Learn to identify the beneficial insect from the garden pest section of this website. Click the link to see photos and names of some beneficial insects and garden pests.

Here is a link to additional information on beneficial insects. Releasing and keeping beneficial insects in your garden.

How to attract beneficial insects to control garden pest

Garden plants that attract beneficial insects

These are some names of some garden plants that attract beneficial insects.

1. Lemon balm          8. Sunflower            15. Anne’s lace

2. Spearmint              9. Hibiscus              16. Cauliflower

3. Tansy                      10. Oleanders          17. Wild carrot

4. Fennel                     11. Borage                18. Cilantro

5. Basket of gold        12. Chamomile        19. Garlic

6. Dill                           13. Comfrey             20. Calendula

7. Tansy                       14. Purple poppy     21. Parsley

The final word

Beneficial insects are there to serve us and to make life easier. So let’s invite and make our garden friends feel at home as they are hard at work for us.

About the author

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Norman loves being in the garden, both at home and for his job....
he is 'Natures Little helper' being outdoors, growing his vegetables and flowers from an early age.
Now having spent over 22 years in the profession he want to give some of his knowledge to others...
his vast array of hints and tips you will find scattered over this site will help you no end growing plants in your garden.

4 thoughts on “How To Attract Beneficial Insects To Control Garden Pest”

  1. This is a great blog. Very informative. I’m bookmarking it as it is November and all my gardens have been put to bed for the winter months. I’ll refer to your suggestions next spring.
    I grow colorful day lilies, yellow daisies, butterfly bushes and lots of milkweed plants that attract bees.

    • Hello Karen so nice to see you again, I am so happy that I could help and your garden do sound very colorful and exciting. All the best to you my dare friend. Have a wonderful day.

  2. Excellent knowledge! I garden myself and have resorted to pesticides to prevent the “bad bugs” and maybe it would be healthier to use naturally existing good bugs. I’ll look into it.

    Just asking because I’m interested in growing food, what bugs do dill and wild carrots attract?

    Thanks! – Abe

    • Hello Abe so nice to meet you and I am so happy that I could help. The bugs that these plants attract are, lacewings, lady beetle, hover flies, parasitic wasp and syrphid flies. Hope this helps, have a good day.


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