Preserving your plant’s blossom
We put time and effort into our gardens because what we want is to reap a good harvest. But what happens when everything is looking so promising and then out of nowhere it hits you. You face the issue of having to resolve why your garden plants are experiencing blossom drop.
This has been the unfortunate experience of so many gardeners which can become very frustrating leaving some without a clue as to what to do. The good news is if this describes you then you have come to the right place to understand and bring to an end your plant’s blossom drop issues.
Being a plant detective
Reasons, why you have blossom drop, may include
- Soil Fertility
- Environmental Factors
- Lack of pollination
- Thrips
- Lack of water
- Plant Disease
- Pruning
- Insufficient Light
Soil Fertility-the soil fertility may be insufficient but adding fertilizers to your garden area or plant bed six weeks prior to flowering offers much help. Soils which has low fertility can prevent your garden plants from blossoming or experience blossom drop.
Environmental Factors-the temperature plays a very important part in the life of a plant. If there is a change in the temperature this can also cause bloom drop. A change can be the temperature becoming too high or low. The temperature must be right to meet your garden plant’s requirements or your plants will have blossom drop.
Lack of pollination-pollination plays such an important part in a plant’s life. If your garden plants are not pollinated this can also lead to blossom drop.
Thrips-thrips are tiny insects that can do huge amounts of damage to garden plants. I have had the unfortunate experience of dealing with them on many occasions and to be honest it was not a good experience.
The saliva of these insect pests is considered to be toxic so treating and bringing these insect pests under control at the first sign is so crucial to the health of your plant’s life including their blossoms.
A lack of water-this is a big one, therefore, it is so important that we make sure that our garden plants are getting the right amount of water. Different plants have different water requirements so get to know your plants and meet their watering needs.
Disease-disease is another factor to consider when it comes to blossom drop. Plant diseases are brought on by overwatering, watering your garden plants late in the evening not allowing the soil sufficient time to dry completely before nighttime, or using an infected pruner or other garden tools on healthy plants that have not been sterilized.
Pruning-excessive pruning will also cause blossom drop because what happens is the plant’s reserve food energy is limited which in turn will reduce flower production.
Also what happens in a lot of cases is the inexperienced gardener cuts the flower buds during trimming or pruning procedures. When flowering plants are actively growing selective prune or discontinue pruning until plants put forth flowers.
Insufficient Light-garden plants need some sunlight to perform and thrive. A lack of sunlight can cause the blossom to drop so make sure your garden plants are getting the required sunlight.
Preventive Measures
A popular saying that I heard often as a child was “prevention is better than cure” which is so true, now I know there are some things that may be out of our control like environmental factors but let’s do what we can or what we have control over to give our plants a fighting chance of keeping their blossom.
1. Have a monthly checklist and carry out a garden inspection a least once every two weeks or more often if you can.
2. Get to know your garden plants. Your garden nurseryman or garden sales rep. is a good source of information.
3. Don’t procrastinate, if you discover any issues in your garden especially plant blossom drop deal with them right away.
4. Location is so important which can also encourage blossom drop so get as much information on the proper placement of your plants.
Additional Information
To garden successfully here are other things to consider
1. Garden soils play a major role in the life of all garden plants. Just as garden plants are diverse from each other so do their soil needs, get to know the soil type your plants will thrive in.
2. The soil ph plays such an important part because soil ph can lock up plants nutrients, by adjusting your soil’s ph will contribute to your plant’s overall health.
3. Keep your garden plants clean by giving them a lite shower of water
4. When it comes to edible gardens such as fruits, herbs, and vegetables it is best to use organic fertilizers.
5. Flowering plants that are given high levels of nitrogen will also encourage blossom drop because nitrogen promotes the growth of lush green leaves while reducing flower production.
Purchasing fertilizers that were formulated for flowering plants is your best option because these fertilizers will encourage or promote the development of plant blossoms.
Before applying fertilizers always read and follow the manufactures label because the label is the law. Many injuries have happened because of giving that little extra but the key is to follow as directed.
The final word
Put an end to blossom drop by following these tips, don’t let this issue frustrate you but fight back because your garden plants are depending on you to keep them nice and healthy because by doing so you will reap the fruits of your labor.
About the author
Norman loves being in the garden, both at home and for his job....
he is 'Natures Little helper' being outdoors, growing his vegetables and flowers from an early age.
Now having spent over 22 years in the profession he want to give some of his knowledge to others...
his vast array of hints and tips you will find scattered over this site will help you no end growing plants in your garden.