Diatomaceous Earth Pest Control

How To Use Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth-thrips-insect-pests
Thrips insect pests

Diatomaceous earth has made a name for itself earning its way into the hearts of gardeners, whether it’s a home garden that is to be taken care of or it may be on a wider scale such as commercial gardens even farmlands one thing is clear however and that is when pests issues arise many persons reach for  DE that has proven to get the job done.

Diatomaceous earth is safe and non-toxic and is effective against all garden insect pests that crawl on plants. This is a contact powder that causes extreme dehydration. Once insects make contact diatomaceous earth absorbs the oils and the fat from the cuticle of the insect’s exoskeleton causing death because of dehydration.

What is diatomaceous earth made from?

Diatomaceous earth was discovered by a German, Peter Kasten in 1836 while drilling a well, at first diatomaceous earth was thought to be limestone. History goes on to say that after this discovery diatomaceous earth was used to make dynamite but now has so many uses some of which include, water filters, toothpaste, metal polished, sugar, beer, honey, wine, pest control, etc…

Diatomaceous is a type of powder made from the sediment of fossilized algae found in bodies of water, such as streams, lakes rivers, and ocean beds. The cells of these algae were found to be high or have an abundance of a compound called silica. The dried sediment produced from these fossils is said to be rich in silica.

When to use diatomaceous earth?

Because diatomaceous earth is a powder, dust, or sprinkle on garden plants. It’s best to apply on dry days or days that are not windy. Diatomaceous earth must be replied however if washed off because of rain or heavy dew.

How to use diatomaceous earth?

Diatomaceous earth can also be applied on the soil surface where insects pass, the powder can also be sprinkled on the stems and leaves and directly on insects as spotted. Use enough powder to coat them.

Spray solution

To make a spray solution mix 4 to 6 tablespoons of DE in a gallon of water, shake well, and add to a spray bottle. Apply to the leave’s surface getting total coverage.

The advantages of using diatomaceous earth

  • Diatomaceous earth is safe around edible foods
  • It does not leave residuals
  • Eliminates a variety of garden pests
  • It deters mold
  • Is believed to improve soil drainage.
  • It’s also believed that diatomaceous earth is non-toxic to wildlife, fish, and other aquatic invertebrates

The disadvantage of diatomaceous earth

  •  Garden plants that are treated with diatomaceous earth should be covered with a sheet of burlap to protect beneficial insects from coming into contact which can cause death
  • Avoid dusting diatomaceous earth new flowering plants where pollinators may come in contact
  • When applying diatomaceous earth it’s best to wear a mask and eye goggles to avoid possible irritation


Avoid inhaling diatomaceous earth because it can irritate your nasal passage, inhaling large amounts may cause shortness of breath or coughing. DE may also cause eye irritation, skin dryness, and irritation. For the best results follow the manufacture’s direction.

Brands of diatomaceous earth

  • Garden safe crawling insect killer
  • Diatomaceous earth ants & crawling insect killer
  • Harris crawling insect killer

The final word on diatomaceous earth pest control

Don’t allow garden insect pests to rob you of the fruits of your labor turning your dream garden into a nightmare, strick back by taking quick action by reaching for diatomaceous earth that has proven to be effective working wonders in the garden. You will be so happy that you did as you win the war on insect pests. Your plants will love you for this and will go to work for you by giving you a good yield. Diatomaceous earth will get the job done.

About the author

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Norman loves being in the garden, both at home and for his job....
he is 'Natures Little helper' being outdoors, growing his vegetables and flowers from an early age.
Now having spent over 22 years in the profession he want to give some of his knowledge to others...
his vast array of hints and tips you will find scattered over this site will help you no end growing plants in your garden.

6 thoughts on “Diatomaceous Earth Pest Control”

  1. It is super interesting that this chemical can be used for so many different things as you mentioned. I like that it is a non-toxic agent that will take care of most of the garden pests out there. It’s a bummer that it will kill the beneficial insects in the same way. But I guess that’s just the tradeoff you have to deal with.

    • This product will work wonders, the thing however is that you can use DE carefully around garden plants keeping it away from the flowers, or just cover your garden plants with burlap when treated. Hope this helps.

  2. We grow our own vegetables and use organic methods, so I am always looking out for ways to control pests and insects, while still be natural and not affecting the safety of eating the food. So this is great to come across diatomaceous earth, which will get rid of pests, without affecting the veggies. 

    Do you know where I can buy diatomaceous earth? Will I find it on Amazon, or in my local garden centre? Thanks for advising.

    • This product is amazing and will do wonders for your garden plants. Yes, you can purchase from your garden center or from amazon. I hope this helps.

  3. I’m so glad to have found this article. Ants have always been a problem for my small backyard garden. And I always wonder why the worst hit is my chilli plant. Ants run up and down the plant stems especially when the plants are flowering. With your recommendation, I hope it works. Thank you, Norman.

    • Hello, Sharon so happy to hear from you, sorry to hear of your ant’s issues. I am so happy to help, wishing you success with your garden project. Please let me know how it goes. Have a good day.


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