How To Kill Grass in Flowers Beds

9 Methods to Keep Your Flower Beds Weed Free

How To Kill Grass In Flower Beds-a-flower-bed
A flower bed

A flower bed can add to the curb appeal of a home or building structure, a well and beautifully designed flower bed has the potential of increasing a property’s value but in order to keep these garden beds neat and polished requires maintenance practices. A challenge that some homeowners face however is keeping these beds free not only of weeds but grass that may be planted nearby from growing into these beds.

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How To Grow Lantanas In Pots

Lantana Plants Grow Guide

How To Grow Lantanas In Pots-lantanas-flowers
Lantana Flowers

The lantana plant is a hardy perennial that’s native to the tropical regions of the Americas and Africa, this garden beauty belongs to the family Verbenaceae and goes by the common names wild sage or button sage. I love lantanas because of their beautiful multi-color flower bloom that remains me of a rainbow. I have worked with lantanas on many garden projects in fact, I am growing a few of them as potted plants on my porch and have installed a few in my home garden.

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Why Are My Pentas Wilting

How to Stop Pentas from Wilting

Why Are My Pentas Wilting-butterfly-collecting-nectar-from-pentas
Butterfly collecting nectar from pentas

Pentas are warm-season plants that thrive best in the full sun, these flowering beauties grow 18 to 36 inches, pentas can be grown as annuals but in warmer regions, pentas are viewed as perennials. Pentas can be used as bedding plants, as border plants, and can be grown in containers and hanging baskets, I have worked with pentas on several garden projects, and know that these plants are worth the effort of keeping them growing  healthy

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How To Care For Bromeliads Outdoors

Bromeliad Grow Guide

How To Care For Bromeliads Outdoors-bromeliads
Bromeliads in a garden design

Bromeliads are some of my favorite plant species that I have worked with for more than 25 years, these garden beauties come in so many shapes, sizes, and colors, in fact, there are estimated to be 2,877 species of bromeliads making these plants one of the largest in the plant kingdom. Besides their beauty, I also love bromeliads because they’re low maintenance so for anyone who wants plants but doesn’t have much time to spend in their garden then bromeliads are the ideal plants for you.

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How To Propagate Nemesia

Nemesia Propagating Methods

How To Propagate Nemesia-nemesia-flower
Nemesia flowers

Nemesia flowering plants are grown mostly as annuals and look great as a bedding plant or a ground cover, these garden beauties come in a variety of colors and can give your garden and landscape that color pop. What I love about nemesia is their’ re low maintenance with no main disease or pest problems and once established little care is needed except to monitor the amount of moisture there are receiving.

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How to Remove Weeds From Ground Cover

7 Ways for Weed Control

How To Remove Weeds From Ground Covers-beautiful-flowers
Beautiful flowers

For those of us who work in our gardens, it’s a common thing to run into weeds, sometimes it seems at every turn weeds are staring us in the face. Weeds are not only unattractive but if control measures are not taken weeds will take over our gardens competing with garden plants for water, sunlight, and nutrients. Weeds also encourage disease, and certain garden pests and can be harbourage or hiding places for rodents such as rats and mice.

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How To Make Raisins From Grapes

Your Guide to Homemade Raisins

How To Make Raisins From Grapes-raisins-dried-grapes
Raisins dried grapes

A healthy snack that’s enjoyed by kids and adults alike is raisins, I remember as a child raisins was a sweet treat that my parents would often provide for all of their kids. But how did we discover raisins or what’s the history behind raisins and how far does it date back to? History records that raisins were first discovered in dry form growing on vines probably in ancient Persia or Egypt around 2000 BC.

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The Best Camping Tents For Camping

5 Best Camping Tents to Buy

5 Best Camping Tents To Buy-camping-tent
Camping tent

Spending time outdoors is an awesome experience filled with many rewards, this activity can relieve stress and is of great benefit to our physical as well as our mental health. There is just something with spending time in nature that gives us the freedom to unwind as we watch the many wildlife in their natural habitat, it’s estimated that in 2020 48 million households went camping whereas some households went camping 3 times per year. With these record-breaking figures, it’s quite clear that spending time in nature offers so many benefits.

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Common Garden Mistakes

12 Common Garden Mistakes That Harm The Environment

Common Garden Mistakes-a-garden-plant
A garden plant

Our environment has been negatively impacted in so many ways from the exhaust of cars to harmful fumes to small and big engine equipment to burning fossil fuels, deforestation, coal, oil, factory fumes, etc..  a common practice in many countries is planting trees. One such day that’s celebrated is Arbor Day, this popular day is set aside on March 21 when schools nationwide recognize this day with environment-related activities such as tree planting.

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What Is Foodscaping

How to Foodscaping Guide

What Is Foodscaping-vegetable-landscaping

The awareness of self-sustainability has increased and is on the rise since the pandemic, homeowners are no longer growing ornamental plants but ripping out flower beds to grow edible gardens and there are others that are intergrading both edible and ornamental plants to create not only beautiful landscapes but a garden that provides foods in a control and confined environment.

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How To Harvest Rainwater For Beginners

A Beginner Guide to Rainwater Collection

How To Harvest Rainwater For beginners-rainbarrel-collecting-water
Rainwater Barrel

Water is one of our most precious resources, therefore, we should do all that we can when it comes to water conservation, every living thing needs water to survive, from humans, plants, and animals even down to the tiniest microscopic organism. I once heard a statement that someone made many years ago” Water is the liquid of life.” This liquid of life supports all life forms on our planet.

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How To Construct A Pocket Garden

Pocket Garden Construction Guide One of the many wonders of gardening is being free to experiment with plants (landscape) as well as hardscapes that allow us the creativity to combine plants with other features that work with nature to support plant life as well as wildlife including pollinators, beneficial insects to the tiniest of soil … Read more

Spring Garden Ideas

Spring Garden Checklist for a Beautiful Spring Garden

How To Prepare A Fall Garden-butterfly-colecting-nectar-from-pentas
Butterfly collecting nectar from pentas

The long winter months are finally over as our gardens are awakened to the warmth of the sun’s rays and the beautiful singing of bird species as nature comes alive with a burst of energy and plants as well as wildlife work together in our ecosystem that’s so diverse but work as one to bring balance to the environment that needs our assistance as well in not only beautifying our surroundings but providing a habitat that helps to support and sustain them.

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How To Create A Mini Garden Pond

DIY Mini Pond Guide

How To Create A Mini Garden Pond-a-frog-resting-on-a-yellow-water lily
Yellow water lily

Installing a mini garden pond is a great way to invite nature into your outdoor living space, these ponds will create the perfect habitat for birds, frogs, toads, tadpoles, hedgehogs, bats, lizards, water snails, etc… butterflies, dragonflies, and other insects. What I love about a mini pond besides plant life, is wildlife will have your pond teaming with many activities which are so exciting.

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Planting A Spring Garden

Spring Garden Plant Guide

Planting A Spring Garden-vegetables-and-fruits
Fruits and Vegetables

In just a few days we will be entering the spring months, this time of year presents us with the opportunity to take advantage of that extra yard space if we have not done so as yet or to begin working or to make some improvements in our existing garden planting some of our favorite veggies, herbs, fruits, or even ornamental plants including shrubs and other gardening plants. Prepare your garden beds by the removal of rocks, leaves, and other debris.

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How To Avoid Pruning Mistakes

Tips To Avoid Pruning Mistakes

How To Avoid Pruning Mistakes-pruning-a-rose-flowers
Pruning rose flower

There are so many reasons for pruning shrubs, trees, and other garden plants, but for the beginner gardener pruning jobs are painful because of not knowing when to prune and how to prune. In this guide we will be showing the benefits of pruning and pruning mistakes to avoid, the practice of pruning trees and garden plants is not a death sentence in fact pruning will add to the longevity, health, and beauty of your plants once done correctly.

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How To know If I am Overwatering My Houseplants

Signs of Overwatering Indoor Plants

How To Know If I am Overwatering My Houseplant-container-plants
Container Plants

All plants need water to survive based on their watering needs, in an outdoor garden setting plants require water more often because of direct exposure to the sun and there may be the challenge of the wrong soil type (sandy soils) where high-maintenance plants may be involved. Because a plant’s natural habitat is outdoors bringing them indoors to a more controlled environment requires some know-how of how to care for them so it can grow just as healthy and thrive as if it was in an outdoor garden setting.

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How To Get Poinsettias To Rebloom

Tips to get your Poinsettias to Rebloom

How To Get Poinsettias To Rebloom-a-poinsettia
A Poinsettia

Poinsettias are a favorite at Christmas time because of their beautiful colors and soft texture, but what happens once the colder months have passed and your poinsettias begin to lose their luster and beautiful color? While it may be a challenge to help your poinsettias regain their colors it’s possible for your poinsettias to rebloom by following this method that has proven to give the results you’re

looking for.

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How Poinsettia Plants Are Propagated

How Propagated Poinsettias from Cuttings

How Poinsettia Plants Are Propagated-poinsettias

Poinsettias are beautiful plants with colorful showy bracts or leaves that can add much flavor to any indoor or outdoor living space, and while it’s true that care must go into these garden beauties for them to maintain their beauty there are several methods that’s been used to increase their numbers which will not cause you much except for your time. Below we will be discussing such methods that have proven to give much success, so let’s take a closer look at how poinsettia plants are propagated.

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How To Prune Poinsettias

The Right Way to Prune Poinsettias

How To Prune Poinsettias-poinsettias-plants
Poinsettias Plants

One of the key components to growing healthy poinsettias is carrying out pruning procedures, for the beginner garden however this may seem to be a bit of a daunting task of fear of damaging or killing the plant. However, there is no need to fear because the knowledge we’re about to share will give you the confidence to prune your poinsettias to ensure that they stay healthy and vibrant.

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How To Control Poinsettias Insect Pests And Diseases

Poinsettias Insect Pests and Disease Management

How To Control Poinsettias Insect Pests And Diseases-poinsettias

Although the Christmas holidays come to an end and the warmer months arrive you can still keep your poinsettias growing healthy and thriving, one of the many challenges however is knowing how to continue to care for these garden beauties once the colder months have passed. Besides providing adequate moisture the proper lighting and the right amount of fertilizer there other maintenance practices that must be carried out which include insect pests and disease issues that may arise.

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The Growth And Care Of Poinsettias Indoors

How to Care for Poinsettias Indoors

The Growth And The Care Of Poinsettias Indoors-red-poinsettia
Red Poinsettia

A Plant that’s a favorite at Christmas time is poinsettias, these garden beauties have been a part of the Christmas tradition for centuries, in fact, history records that the tradition of poinsettias being used at Christmas time began ” in southern Mexico in the 1600s when Franciscan monks or priest used the colorful leaves and bracts to adorn extravagant nativity scenes”.

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What To Do In My Winter Garden In South Florida

South Florida Winter Garden Guide

What To Do In My Winter Garden Inn South Florida-a-bird-eating-berries
A bird eating berries

The colder months of the year are not the time to hang up our garden gloves and put away the tools until the warmer season arrives, there is still much that can be done during this time of the year and even though nature is taking that long-awaited rest, nature will still lend a hand to those of us who see the many opportunities of working in our winter gardens.

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How To Remove Snow From Your Yard

Snow Saftey Removal Tips

How To Remove Snow From Your Yard-shovelling-the-snow
Shoveling the snow

The colder months have finally arrived which means that much of our garden chores have basically come to a standstill even though there may be a few tasks that can still be carried out. However one of the challenges that we have to deal with is the removal of snow which can become a daunting and challenging task, many homeowners prefer to call a professional company but for the homeowner who may be thinking of DIY your yard ( do it yourself) here are a few helpful tips that will guarantee success on how to remove snow from your yard.

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Winterizing Fruit Trees in South Florida

Preparing your Fruits Trees for the Winter Months

Winterizing Fruit Trees In South Florida-apple-tree-in-the-snow
An apple tree in the snow

The cooler months are finally here and as the temperatures continue to dip it’s not too late to winterize or prepare your fruit trees to survive the colder months as it sets in. Making preparations now will ensure that your fruit trees are healthy and in top shape, once the warmer seasons return. The steps that we are about to discuss have proven to be effective in fruit tree winter protection.  Let’s continue our discussion below as we take a closer look at winterizing fruit trees in South Florida.

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Winter Garden Decoration Ideas For South Florida

Brighten Up your Garden for Winter

Winter Garden Decoration Ideas For South Florida-winter-decoration
Winter Decoration

For most of us, spending time in our gardens is a great way to unwind and relax as we connect with nature, allowing the creativity of our minds to come forth in our garden oasis that says home sweet home. The spring through the summer months and even autumn offer us the opportunity to plant our favorite veggies, fruits, herbs, ornamentals, and flowering plants that paints our gardens and landscapes with an array of beautiful colors.

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Applying Mulch To Fall Vegetable Gardens in South Florida

The Benefits of Mulching Your Vegetable Garden in the Fall

Applying Mulch To Fall Vegetable Garden In South Florida
Plant Mulch

Mulches are natural organics that can benefit our gardens and landscapes in so many ways however although mulches are popular their use is limited by many homeowners simply because of not knowing how important mulches are to plant life, soil, and soil microbes. I have used mulches over the years both on outdoor garden projects as well as interior plantscape and have seen how these natural organics do not only transform (aesthetics) those garden projects but the nutrients that were added as mulches break down or decompose over time.

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Indoor Fall Gardening In South Florida

Extending the Season with Your Indoor Edible Garden

Indoor Fall Gardening In south Florida-aerogarden-harvest
Areogarden Harvest

Although we’re in the fall months now is not the time to stop gardening as the winter months approach, there is much more that can be done to extend the season for a fall and winter crop. We can continue to eat fresh through the fall and winter months by shifting our focus on gardening indoors, this time of the year presents us with so many opportunities to connect with nature indoors. The Aerogarden system can help us to achieve this goal.

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Amazon Garden Tools

10 Best Garden Tools to Buy on Amazon 2022

Drought Tolerant garden Ideas-walking path-way
A walking pathway

Working outdoors Whether planting a vegetable, flower, or herb garden or installing or maintaining your lawn, weekend warriors and garden enthusiasts alike are connecting with nature seeking to reap a good harvest from their time spent working outdoors during the spring and summer months.

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Can You Grow Duranta from Cuttings?

Tips to Grow Duranta from Cuttings

Can You Grow Duranta From Cuttings-golden-duranta-flower-bloom
Golden Duranta flower bloom

Durants are beautiful shrubs that can bring that need color into your landscapes and gardens, you can populate your gardens with as many as you want that will not cause you a dime.

The question has been asked, can you grow Duranta from cuttings? the answer to that question is Yes. The golden Duranta or golden Dewdrop is a tropical to sub-tropical plant or ornamental shrub which includes about 30 species.

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Growing Hibiscus Indoors

Hibiscus Indoor Care Guide

Growing Hibiscus Indoors-hibiscus-flowers
Hibiscus Flowers

Hibiscus is a tropical shrub that is grown on a wide scale because of its beauty, ease of growth, and its low maintenance. I have worked with many species on garden and landscape project and have seen the flavor these plants brings once use as a part of your garden design. Although hibiscus is popular for being grown outdoors the question is can hibiscus be grown indoors or as a house plant?

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Plants That Cause Fall Allergies

Common Fall Plants that Cause Allergies

Plants That Cause Plant Allergies-siberian-cocklebur
Siberian Cocklebur

Fall allergies are common in the U S, in fact, it’s estimated that “50 thousand people have fall allergies”, it’s said that” one in five” has allergies issues. It’s believed that “allergies are the 6th leading cause of chronic illness”. There are many culprits that are responsible for allergies some of which include dust, mold, dust mites, certain foods such as peanuts, milk, eggs, shellfish, some fruits and vegetables, soy, wheat, etc...

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Fall Lawn Care Tips For South Florida

Lawn Care Tips for Fall

Fall Lawn Care Tips For South Florida-sprinkler-watering-grass
A sprinkler watering a lawn

A part of our fall garden maintenance care does not only involve our edible and ornamental gardens but taking care of our lawns as well, in the previous discussion we have touched a bit on fall garden maintenance care but in this guide, we will be going more in-depth into taking care of our lawns during the fall months and the reason for this is to prepare and to keep our lawns healthy during this time of the year as the winter months approach.

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How To Prepare A Fall Garden

Tips for a Fall Garden Planner

How To Prepare A Fall Garden-butterfly-colecting-nectar-from-pentas
Butterfly collecting nectar from pentas

As the temperature begins to dip it’s a sign from nature that the winter months are fast approaching, but despite this time of the year for those who haven’t started as yet there is still time to work in your gardens. Yes even during the fall months we can get busy in our gardens, just a few days ago I was busy in my yard and garden doing my fall cleanup.

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Fall Gardening In A Cold Frame In South Florida

Extending your Edible Crops in the Fall and Winter

Fall Gardening In A Cold Frame-in South Florida-a-cold-frame-box
A cold frame garden box

The use of cold frame gardens popularity is widespread, this type of gardening is not a new concept but has been around for some time now, and based on the rise in popularity this method of gardening is not going away anytime soon. But the question many may be asking is what is cold frame gardening? simply put cool frame gardening or a cold frame garden is a bottomless box that is set out in the garden over plants to protect them from the Cold weather.

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Fall Gardening For Beginners

Fall Gardening Beginners Guide

Fall gardening For The Beginners-a-tomato-plant
A tomato plant

The Spring and Summer months presented us with the opportunity to work the soil as we grow some of our favorite edible and ornamental plants, now that we’re in the fall months there are still a lot of opportunities that we can take advantage of as the winter months approach. However, for the beginner gardener the question may be asked how do I take advantage of this time of the year?

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Cool Season Annuals For South Florida

Keep Your Garden Colorful During the Colder Months

Cool Season Annuals For South Florida-petunia-flowering-plants
Petunia flowers

The warmer (Spring through Summer) season is not the only time to display an array of colors from our gardens and landscapes, the fall season as well as the early winter months can give us a beautiful show of colors provided we choose the right plants. A great way to add a rainbow of colors is the use of annuals, annuals are some of my favorites.

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Fall Garden Pests In South Florida

Common Fall Garden Pests and How to Bring Control

Fall Garden Pests In South Florida-a-snail-feeding-on-a-garden-plant
A snail on a garden plant

Garden insect pests can be a real nuisance as they invade our gardens making a meal out of our garden plants and what makes matters worse is that many of them have been known to carry and spread diseases. These garden pests can turn a dream garden into a nightmare causing healthy beautiful plants to become an eyesore if action is not taken immediately.

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Orchids To Plant In The Fall In South Florida

Amazing Colors for the Fall Months

Orchids To Plant In The Fall In South Florida-a-flowering-orchid
White flowering orchid

The fall months are depicted as a time when plants are preparing to take their long-awaited winter nap as leaves (deciduous plants) begin to fall from the trees along with the slow growth of garden plants. And while this is true for many plants there are so many that continue to grow (every green plant) throughout the year. Deciduous plants lose their leaves at a certain time of the year but will produce fresh beautiful leaves when the growing season or warmer months returns. Evergreen plants are plants that retain their leaves throughout the year and into the following growing season. However, in our discussion, we will be turning our attention to orchids.

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Herbs to Plant in the Fall in South Florida

Best Herbs to Plant in South Florida

Herbs To Plant In The Fall In South Florida-thyme-herb
Thyme herb

In our previous articles, we discussed flowers to plant in the fall in South Florida and also vegetables to plant in the fall in South Florida but we will be turning our attention to some of the best herbs that can be grown during the fall months. Garden herbs have their place in our gardens and really do deserves our attention, the aromas and the flavors that herbs produce are just simply amazing.

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Flowers To Plant in the Fall In South Florida

Brighten Your Fall Garden with these Flowering Plants

Flowers To Plant In The Fall In South Florida
Zinnia garden flowers

Why limit the beauty of our South Florida gardens to the summer and spring months when we can extend the season to ensure that our gardens are in full bloom even during the fall months? While we can agree that the fall months present the opportunity to do a bit of spring cleaning the opportunity is also there to include flowering plants that can beautify and brighten our gardens during the fall months.

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Vegetables To Plant in the Fall In South Florida

Best Vegetables to Plant in South Florida

Vegetables To Plant in the Fall In South Florida-turnips

With the passing of spring and the summer months and winter fast approaching there is still much that can be done during the fall months, among the many tasks that are undertaken in our fall gardens is extending the season by growing vegetables. Yes even during the fall months we can grow edible foods in our South Florida gardens before the temperature dips ( the winter months sets in).

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Prepare Your Garden For The Fall

How to Prepare Garden Beds in the Fall

Prepare Your Garden For The Fall-raised-bed-garden
A raised bed garden

The spring and summer months were a busy time for all if not most of us, we worked in our gardens hoping to reap a good harvest from our food crops or to see our ornamental plants come to full bloom as they amaze us with their many shapes, sizes, and various colors. Now we’re in the fall months but we can’t throw up our feet just yet because during the fall months there is still much to do to prepare our garden beds before winter sets in.

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Best Soil For Greenhouse

The Best Soil for Greenhouse Plants

Best Soil For Green House-a-greenhouse
A mini greenhouse

What I love about greenhouses is the ability to extend the season with the plants of choice, these houses have become so popular because of the many advantages they offer which we will be discussing a bit later. Greenhouses can be any shape or size and based on your needs and the size of the area a greenhouse can be installed.

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How To Prune Flowers

How to Increase Flower Production

How To Prune Flowers-pruning-rose-flowers
Pruning a rose bush

I read a story many years ago about a farmer’s wife who grew beautiful roses that she loved dearly, one day she was asked the question about pruning her rose bush and her reply was “before I prune my roses I would rather cut off one of my chicken’s head”. I believe when it comes to pruning our plants, especially for the beginner there is fear of making even one snip and I understand in part.

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How To Prune Houseplants

Tips to Prune Houseplants

How To Prune Houseplants-houseplants

Growing and maintaining indoor plants may not require as much attention as outdoor plants but indoor plants still need to be maintained to control their height and natural form. A part of proper maintenance practice for houseplants is keeping them will prune.

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What To Plant In August

What to Plant in August Guide

What To Plant In August-a-butterfly-resting-on-a-plant
A butterfly resting on a plant

Wow how time flies, just the other day it seems, we were all in high gear as the spring months approach with great anticipation to get outdoors in our gardens and work the soil connecting with nature. Then it was on to the summer months where in spite of the heat we were still determined to reach our goals of completing those garden projects and now we are in the month of August. As summer is about to come to a close we enter the fall months.

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Summer Container Gardening Ideas

4 Container Garden Ideas that’s Hot

Summer Container Garden Ideas-flowers-in-a-container
Flowers in a container

Have a colorful season all summer long with these 4 container garden ideas that are sure to bring that much-need flavor and change, If you don’t have the space to install the garden you’ve always desired or you may have been planning to give your outdoor living space a facelift then look no further because with a container garden you can bring that much-needed change.

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Summer Garden Ideas

5 Ideas for a Summer Garden Make Over

Summer Garden Ideas-a-colorful-flower-garden
A colorful flower garden

The summer months are finally here which gives us a chance to go outdoors and work in our gardens, although the heat may be a challenge, working in our gardens provides us the opportunity to connect with nature as we install beautiful plants that displays their own uniqueness with their varies sizes, shapes, colors, and fragrance.

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