Energizing Your Garden Soil
Soil or dirt as we know it is not dead as some people think but is very much alive with billions of microbes. What amazed me many years ago as I did a study on garden soil is that a teaspoon of garden soil contains billions of soil microbes, believe it or not, these soil microbes are responsible in part for the overall health of our garden plants.
Soil microbes have the awesome job of breaking down organic matter converting them to nutrients and then releasing these nutrients to our garden plants to be taken them up by their roots. Organic matter is anything that was once living. It could be leaves that fall from the trees onto the soil surface, the bodies of dead rodents, animals, or insects even dead trees, and plant roots are all considered to be organic matter. In other words, anything that was once living but is now dead is organic matter.
A good example of this is plants growing in the wild or in nature, notice how beautiful these plants are with their burst of colors and lush green. No human effort is involved but yet these plants are full of life and thriving. How is this possible? well, it is what we discuss earlier. As life is taken, life is created and enhanced through this process. This is nature at its best, in the wild these natural organics are broken down and reused.
Feeding soil microbes
By feeding soil microbes we are energizing our soil to meet our plant requirements. Soil microbes also bring stabilization to our garden soil by taking our soils through a process that binds organisms and soil particles together leading to a solid soil structure.
What is also interesting to note is as the weather get’s colder the activities of these microbes decrease and as the weather warms up the opposite happens, there is an increase in microbial activity, which is why plants do so well in the spring through the summer months. More activity from these microbes means stronger healthier plants.
Soil microbes also use some of this organic matter as fuel to build biomass to assist with their own growth and development, they release the rest as carbon dioxide, these microbes are truly complex and make a huge difference in our garden soils.
Synthetic fertilizers vs natural organics
There are mixed feelings when the topic arises of synthetic or man-made fertilizers vs natural organics. It is believed by some that because synthetic fertilizers are salts when added to the soil for plant uptake these fertilizers will draw water from soil microbes causing a negative impact while on the other hand, the belief is these fertilizers are said to have a positive effect on soil microbes by making nutrients available to be used.
And overuse of these fertilizers, however, can contaminate streams, lakes, and our water system, using synthetic fertilizers too heavily also contributes to plant burn which simply means salts from synthetic fertilizers collects around the plant’s root zone pulling or drawing water out of the plant which causes plants to wilt.
Therefore when using fertilizers such as synthetics use them in moderation, for more on synthetic fertilizers follow these links slow release and quick release fertilizers. Overuse of synthetics can also change the soil’s pH which can have a negative effect on plants. A rule to follow is to always read and follow the manufacturer’s label because the label is the law.
Natural organics
When it comes to natural organic, soil microbes are in organic heaven because organic material is not only beneficial to soil microbes but is beneficial to plant life, natural organics enhance soil structure through absorbing and holding water along with fertilizers, helping the soil to become porous which aids in drainage and proper air circulation which help to sustain soil microbes and supports proper plant growth.
Type of natural organics
Below is a shortlist that provides examples of natural organics.
- Chicken manure
- Cow manure
- Horse manure
- Composting- creating a compost pile both indoors and out
- Organic soil mix- creating an organic soil mix
- Mulches- the benefit of mulches
- Coffee grounds
- Epsom salt
- Organic fertilizers- organic fertilizers
- Eggshells- eggshells in the garden
- Leaves and grass clipping- the benefit of leaves and grass clippings
NOT When using animal manure as listed above ensure that manures are dry first before using because fresh manure will cause the plant to burn.
The final word
These amazing facts are so beneficial to plant life. Unseen to the naked eye are billions of microscopic organisms that are hard at work connecting with nature by giving nature a helping hand. So let’s work hand in hand with these soil microbes because by connecting with them and nature we will be helping ourselves.
About the author
Norman loves being in the garden, both at home and for his job....
he is 'Natures Little helper' being outdoors, growing his vegetables and flowers from an early age.
Now having spent over 22 years in the profession he want to give some of his knowledge to others...
his vast array of hints and tips you will find scattered over this site will help you no end growing plants in your garden.
With the gardening I’ve done, I’ve always believed that going organic whenever possible is the best way for the plants. Over the years, I’ve used nearly everything on your natural organics that’s listed above. To me, it makes sense that natural organics will better help the plants rather than using synthetics. Great post, Norman!
You are so right with what you have said. Going organic in my opinion is always the best way. So happy that I could help. All the best of success.
I only have a small garden just of flowers, I use mostly organics, I did the other day use some plant fertilizer very little, waiting to see if it makes a difference. I grew up having homegrown fruit and vegetables. They were mostly grown organically. Going to collect the manure from a nearby common was a bit of a high light. I find gardening very therapeutic, I see the nature and beauty in what is growing. I was fascinated by the microbes which I have never really gone into. It makes sense really that everything even earth has its part to play in the growing of plants, flowers. Your page I found very informative and interesting. and the layout I thought was eye catching.
Hello so good to meet you. It is such a wonderful thing to connect with nature by giving nature a helping hand. The great outdoors can be much fun as you take in all that beauty. Thanks so much for commenting and I am so happy that I could help. All the best of success and have good day.