Making Organic Soil Mix

Making Organic Soil Mix

Garden plant design

I am sure that at some point or time we have envisioned having that dream garden, or have you ever taken a trip in the great outback or even going a nature walk?

As you walked along that nature trail you notice those beautiful plants in their full luster and an array of flowers in full bloom you felt free and beamed with joy, just to take in all that beautiful scenery that nature has to offer.

The key to all that beauty

One of the keys to all of that beauty is the soil, without it plant life would be impossible. It is important that we understand soils and how it plays an important part in a plant’s overall health and development.

I have included these two links that you can follow to get a better understanding of Soils and their function.

In this article, however, we will be looking at making an organic soil mix that is ideal for your garden and landscape plants.

What are organic soil and its benefits?

Simply put, organic soils are soils that contain organic materials only, no chemicals that are harmful. The benefit of this soil is growing crops that are free of chemicals and which are safe to consume.

We will be looking at steps to take to build your own organic soil so that you can enjoy your crops come harvest time.

Building your organic soil

1. Soil can be purchased by the yard, before purchasing soil do some investigation. Find out if the soil is free of harmful chemicals and pesticides.

2. Your soil should be easy to work with so what happens next is to remove debris such as large rocks, sticks, and other objects.

3. Add about a quarter yard of salt-free sand this will help to make the soil porous or help to give it proper drainage.

4. Add organic material, for example, chicken or cow manure that is dried, or if you prefer you can purchase other organic material. 20-30% will do.

5. Adding compost is also another great option to add your organic soil mix.

6. Continue to build your organic soil by adding organic material such as wood chips, leaves grass clippings to your soil 3 times per year.

Organic soils can keep your plants happy and healthy whether it’s a flower, herbs, fruits, or vegetable garden, this is the ideal soil for a better quality crop.

The final word

Organic soil is the ideal soil, you don’t have to settle for less when you can get the best, just by following these simple directions. The nutrient content that organic soil contains is great and will keep your plants growing at their best.

So just a little effort on your part and you will be on the right path to reaping a good harvest, not once, not twice but for years to come.

About the author

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Norman loves being in the garden, both at home and for his job....
he is 'Natures Little helper' being outdoors, growing his vegetables and flowers from an early age.
Now having spent over 22 years in the profession he want to give some of his knowledge to others...
his vast array of hints and tips you will find scattered over this site will help you no end growing plants in your garden.

14 thoughts on “Making Organic Soil Mix”

  1. Gardening is theraputic and relaxing and it is spring time in New York and I am getting into it. The pictures on this web site are beautiful and there are a lot of “Greens”. Just the look of this website makes be want to get dirty in the soil.
    There is so much information about gardening, the the type of plants, starting from seeds or starting from small plants. how to grow, feed, fertilize, and basic equipment are just some of the things I need a helping hand with.
    This site has a lot of good information, and I am a novice and the information makes sense to me. Too many sites over complicate stuff, this one doesn’t.
    This year I will have a beautiful garden and make my neighbors jealous.

    • Hello Dan it is so good to meet you, Gardening is a great way to become one with nature while getting a good workout. Thanks for those kind words, and I am happy to hear that my website is reader friendly. Wishing you the best of success with your garden project. Who knows you may inspire your neighbours.

      I am glad I could help, please let me know God’s willing how your garden project went and your neighbors responds, this should be fun. All the best.

  2. Hi,
    I enjoyed the instructions on how to make your own organic soil mix. We are starting to get into growing our own vegetables and this information will be useful.

    I had a question about adding organic material to your soil. You mention wood chips and grass clippings but how about compost? we are starting to do composting and I was curious if that would also be something that could be added as an alternative? What do you think?

  3. My wife and I do a lot of gardening in the spring and summer, so I am very interested in making organic soil. Is this just about the same as having a compost pile? In your directions for making the soil, you say that soil can be purchased by the yard. When you add the sand to make it more porous, are you saying to ad 1/4 yard of sand to a yard of soil? I didn’t see where the amount of soil was specified. I just want to get it right. Also, how long does this mixture have to sit, before it can be used in the garden. I would appreciate your tips here. Thanks much.

    • Hello Jim it is so good to meet you and I am glad that I could help. It in some ways the same even though making a compost pile may call for just a bit more work. Here is a link to my website on starting a compost pile.…. Sorry about that my friend, a quarter yard of sand to a yard of soil.

      Let it sit for two-two and a half weeks turning it 3 times per week, preferably Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Hope this helps and please let me know how it goes. Have a good day.

  4. Hi Norman,

    I love the idea of creating your own organic soil. I hadn’t thought it was quite so simple.

    I look forward to using your advice when I get around to converting a corner of our garden for vegetable growing.

    I would love to come back later in the year when I have made a start on this project and send you some before and after photos.

    Many thanks,

    • Hello, Paul it is so nice to meet you, making organic soil is very simple and the added benefits is the exercise. Organic soil is ideal for its high nutrient content that is great for plant life. Thanks a million for letting me review your before and after garden photos

      Wishing you the best of success with your garden project my kind Sir, have a good day.

  5. Hey Norman!

    I love the way you talk about plants and organic soil. It just makes you want to build you own garden right away.

    I wish more people saw the benefits of organic ingredients for everything, food, plants, body care… We’re too surrounded by chemicals and that’s not good for us or the planet.

    Thanks for the article. It really makes you stop and think about doing things the right way.


    • Hello Israel so good to meet you, I agree with you, it would be great if more people saw the importance of organic products, hopefully one day God’s willing the benefit of organics will spread like wildfire. I am glad that I could help. Thanks for commenting, all the best to you and have a good day.

  6. This is lovely and simple, a nice, quick, step by step guide. I think if everyone knew how simple things like this can be then more people would do it.

    I make my own soil mix for my seedlings and transplants, which is a little more in depth than this (i make soil blocks) then i use homemade compost and mushroom compost in my raised beds. It’s really productive!

    • Hello Joe so nice to meet you, sounds to me like you have a green thumb which is a good thing, I am glad that you liked my post, I try to keep things simple. Thanks also for sharing that bit of information with me. Happy gardening, all the best to you and have a good day.

  7. This is great information. I live in an apartment and buy soil in bags from a superstore. This year I want to add organics to my soil for tomatoes and such. I thought some sand and a bit of Epsom salt. What is your idea about Epsom salt for growing nice big fruit? Also how can someone obtain organics? Thank you.


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